Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

Hooked on Prayer

Friday, May 31st
Hooked on Prayer
By Sheila Sonon

During COVID, after organizing my tupperware cabinet and color coding my linen closet, I decided to try my hand at crocheting. Armed with hooks, yarn, and way too much time on my hands, I dove in, hoping for a break from the pandemic monotony. As I clumsily messed with the yarn and hooks, memories of my Grandmom’s “idle hands” saying popped into my head. Loop by loop, I disproved the notion that idle hands are the devil's playground; rather, mine turned out to be his pink slip!

Prayer and crocheting share remarkable similarities, both demanding patience, persistence, and dedication. Answers to prayers don't always arrive promptly, and sticking to a regular prayer practice can foster endurance and strength on our spiritual journey. Crocheting, like prayer, is not a quick endeavor – if we can invest time in crafting a scarf or blanket in a month, just think of the soul-nurturing impact a lifetime of prayer will have when we are called home!

James 5:16 reminds us how powerful prayer is in our lives. It says, “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”

I lean on prayer when I need parenting advice, to avoid gossip, and even when I'm trying to resist the temptation of those frozen peanut butter cups in the freezer. Seriously, my prayer list covers a lot! But prayer isn't just a spiritual checklist; it is a conversation with God that keeps me grounded in the craziness of daily life. Prayer is the way of life—a lifestyle that deepens our relationship with God and keeps us straight on our faith journey.
Praying every day is utterly important for spiritual growth, finding guidance and comfort, staying grateful, building discipline, and connecting with others.

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