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It is Guilt or Conviction?

Thursday, May 18

Is It Guilt Or Is It Conviction?
By: Lori Ennis

“For the sorrow that is according to the will of God produces a repentance [a]without regret, leading to salvation, but the sorrow of the world produces death.” 2 Corinthians 7:10 

One of the things I try to instill in my son is that if he just apologizes for whatever wrongful action he makes, but has no remorse, he’s just trying to appease someone. Manipulate them, essentially, into not being mad anymore. An apology without any repentance or reconciliation is…well, a bunch of empty words. I want him to take responsibility for his actions, own them and reconcile when he sins against another. I don’t want him to do it out of guilt, but out of conviction for the wrong he’s done.

But I thought about that…do we do that with God? Do we recognize when we sin because it has grieved His heart or because we’re afraid of the consequences from those around us?

Do we feel guilty about not holding back our tithe because we want to spend a little bit more on vacation, or do we feel convicted to give despite spending it on vacation because we know it’s a heart matter to God–not a money issue?

Do we truly apologize to Him and ask His forgiveness when we’re gossiping about something, or do we just feel bad when the object of our conversation overhears and we awkwardly stumble over our words?

Are we worried more about telling the lie we might tell our friends or our spouse being found out, or that we’re grieving God’s heart because we weren’t made for deception and it’s not His best for us?

When we sin, do we do feel like we need to make it right with Him, or are we just embarrassed that we’ve been caught somehow?

The truth is, if you’re not truly looking to reconcile relationship when you sin against another or God, you’re just feeling guilty.

When you’re convicted by your inappropriate action, you want to repent and repair.

This is how we need to be when we sin against God. Not guilty because we know it’s wrong and He’s disappointed, but convicted to be the transformed children of our Almighty Creator because He loves us and wants the best for us.

Paul knew this–that when we focus on what others think of us when our sin is found out or caught, we’re caught in guilt, which ultimately leads to death.

But when we love the Lord and want to please Him, conviction will focus our hearts on how to humbly ask His forgiveness and walk in step with Him again.

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