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Ordinary Days

Wednesday, May 10

Ordinary Days
By: Melissa Beauvais

Psalm 118:24 “This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it”.
Today I woke up with a smile. A day that I was in a posture of praise and gratitude. Nothing crazy incredible happened, and no dire circumstance was pressing; it was just an ordinary day. I love ordinary days.   

Sometimes we take these days for granted. We want excitement or deep revelation from God. We want to hear Him speaking and point in the right direction with a giant neon sign that says “This way,” and when He doesn’t, we question or doubt. 

I have come to realize the ordinary days are just as extraordinary as those filled with miracles, awe, and deliverance. Why? Because it is a day the Lord has made, and we can rejoice in it (Psalm 118:24). Tish Harrison Warren writes, “Ordinary love, anonymous and unnoticed as it is, is the substance of peace on earth, the currency of God’s grace in our daily life.” 

“The currency of God’s grace,” is what keeps us moving, keeps peace within our souls, and allows up to wake up with smiles and be grateful in the mundane. Most days are ordinary and quite predictable, so let’s embrace it with extraordinary love and adoration toward God. To awe and delight in His presence. These are days we learn to live, experience, grow, and encounter His ways intentionally for the days that may not be so ordinary. 

Oh God of the mundane and ordinary days, Your Greatness is far from that. Let us not take for granted the days that seem like “just another day” but rather, refresh our eyes and enlighten our minds to see Your goodness in all ways. Oh, Jesus help me to see others today in light of Your love. Amen

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