Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

As Legitimate as Porcelain Pie

Friday, January 20

As Legitimate As Porcelain Pie
By: Pastor Todd Crofford

When I was a young pastor, I made a visit to an older couple in my church.  I had only given them about 2 hours’ notice that I was coming, so I was so pleased when I walked in and smelled apple pie.  As we sat in the living room and talked, I could look through the doorway into their kitchen and could see the pie sitting there on the counter. I really got my hopes up that I was about to enjoy an awesome treat.

The longer I stayed, the more I was thinking about it, but they never offered me any.  Eventually our conversation wrapped up and I walked into the kitchen to say some final good-byes.  That was when I noticed that the supposed apple pie was actually made of ceramic and the smell was coming from an apple pie scented candle sitting nearby.  My legitimate hope was dashed when I saw the illegitimate pie.

In a letter, Paul told the church in Galatia that when it came to faith the test of legitimacy was in the actions it birthed.  He wrote, “You who are trying to be justified by law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace… The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.  -Galatians 5:4,6 NIV

In other words, we can strive to hold all the right beliefs and not break any of the rules, but if our lives are never filled with God’s love, then our faith is as illegitimate as a porcelain pie.  You may look like a Christian to the casual observer, but when someone gets up close they will not see the love of Jesus in us.

Today ask yourself this question, What have I DONE for someone this week that indicates my faith is legitimate?

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