Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

Sent Ones

Sent Ones
By Pastor Amie Donovan

“As you sent me into the world [Father], I have sent them into the world.” — John 17:18

Of all the names Jesus uses for His Holy Church, sent people must be my favorite! Jesus was sent into the world to demonstrate God's love. He left us in the world to continue that work! We are tasked with making disciples of all nations! (Matthew 28:19) This can seem like a huge responsibility! Sometimes it leaves us asking the question, “How will I ever do this?”

I have good news for you today!

Alone, you can’t, but you are not alone!

God sent The Holy Spirit to equip us for this mission! The Holy Spirit does the hard part; we simply must be a willing vessel.

You know another amazing truth about God? He not only sent The Holy Spirit, but He gives us a family. The Holy Church.

Together, we will row through storms, stand on shores, and follow behind Christ to reach the ends of the earth with the good news of The Gospel! When ministering to your Oikos feels like an uphill battle, take heart in the words of Jesus himself!

“I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it!”- Matthew 16:18

You can do this because you have The Holy Spirit within you and The Holy Church beside you.

Go out and live sent.

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