Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

Family Tree 12.12.20

Family Tree Devotional Series - Week 2 – Love - Saturday – Pastor Todd
Become More Like Jesus

Psalm 36:7 (NLT)
How precious is your unfailing love, O God!

It happened again the other day.  I had to have an honest conversation with my wife about how I had acted the day before.  I hated to hear it.  I started to defend myself—they really should NOT have put that big coffee drink in the fridge uncovered and in such a precarious position! Still, I knew in my heart she was spot-on.  She was working overtime to say it kindly, but the bottom line was that I had not acted right. At that moment, I had failed at loving my family well.
I wish my love never failed and my motives, words, and actions were always right. Alas, my humanity catches up with me, just like it does with us all. (Even my wife at times, but don’t tell her I said that.) As long as we live together and relate together with one another, we will be required to ask forgiveness and extend it.  That’s the nature of human love.

Fortunately for us, the love that God offers exceeds our imperfect love. God’s love is not just like us on our best days. His unfailing love is unique to him. His love is not dependent on us loving him back, nor does it falter when we do. We never have to spend a moment worrying if God’s love is almost used up or if he will act outside of his nature and capriciously condemn us.  It is that kind of perfect love that John said we have come to know and rely on. (I John 4:16)

As we consider such a great love, it does not give us a license for shotty love-less living. Instead, it inspires us to be more like him in all that we do. Though we will never love perfectly, we can seek to become more like him each day we know him.

Take a moment to reflect over the last three days.  Was there a time that you fell short in how you loved someone?  If so, confess it to God and do what you must to make it right with that person.

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