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Life is not Tried

Thursday, April 27

Life Is Not Tried
By: Lori Ennis

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came so that they would have life, and have it abundantly.” John 10:10

I love songs. I sing all the time, and even in my speech, I often speak in a sing-song way. Or so I’ve been told.

I also often get song lyrics stuck in my head. Recently, I have had a classic Garth Brooks song running repeatedly. “Life is not tried if it’s merely survived, if you’re standing outside the fire.”

I stopped to think about those words for a minute. Do you ever feel like you just ‘survive’ and ‘trying’ life doesn’t really sound super appealing? Maybe it’s the first-born rule-follower in me, or maybe it’s the me who openly admits that I’ve had (what I consider) my fair share of fire, thank you very much, and I’m not looking to ‘try’ life anymore. 

If that’s you, I get you.

The truth is, that’s not what Jesus would have for us, though. In fact, He came and gave His life so we’d not just survive, but thrive. (Cue Casting Crowns ‘Made To Thrive’).

No, every day is not abundantly full, or even half full. Some days are downright empty, if we’re honest.

But on all of the days, we have Someone standing right there inside the fire with us. (Cue that song too!)

If you’re standing outside of the fire…whatever that looks like in your life…would you join me in asking Jesus to trust Him enough to ‘try’ life? There’s so much we were created for than merely surviving!

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