Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

Mutually Encouraged

Wednesday, April 26

Mutually Encouraged
By: Melissa Beauvais

“That you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.” Romans 1:12 (NIV).

The other day I, was meditating on Romans 1:11-14 and v. 12 jumped out at me. I stopped. I read it over several times and was in a posture of gratitude.  The day before, I had walked into a friend’s office. One thing led to another, and I unintentionally shared where my faith was slipping. I did not come to share or open up about what I was dealing with on the inside;  I just wanted to say, “Hi”. 
That day I was confused, angry, and trying to pretend it was all okay. I put on the smile and carried on. But in these few moments, Holy Spirit quickly prompted me that He has provided people in my circle willing and able to speak truth with grace and whose faith I can be encouraged by. 
I walked out of the office lighter than when I walked in. Knowing I was not carrying the load alone and I had friends willing to pray.  That is how Paul felt about his companions and friends in the church of Rome. He longed to see them and wanted to be with them. He needed their encouragement as they needed his.  God has gifted us with the grace of friendship and fellowship among believers.

Friends, my prayer for you is to reach out when your faith is low or offer when your faith is on fire. We need one another, and that is a blessing.

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