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Get Back Up Again

Monday, March 27

Get Back Up Again
By: Pastor Amie Donovan

I used to hate failing.

Maybe that’s a silly way to start this devotional thought because why would I now love it? Failure has been my greatest fear. 

Whether it’s the posture I take with my extremely patient husband, or the tone I use with my ever-forgiving children, or the sometimes hard-to-reach bar I often set in ministry, I don’t like to fall at the feet of failure. However, it’s something I do often. My moments of mishap used to consume me. They used to silence me, convince me to sit down, and entice me to give up. “If I can’t get it right, maybe it’s just not for me,” I used to tell myself. 

Not anymore. 

I used to hate failing before I knew…

“A man’s steps are established by the LORD, and He takes pleasure in his way. Though he falls, he will not be overwhelmed, because the LORD holds his hand.” -Psalms 37:23-24

Thomas Edison was asked why he was smiling after an experiment. “Did you solve it?” The person asked. “No,” he explained, “But now I get to start again. Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." 

I used to hate failing…but that was when I thought I had to get myself back up to start again. 

Give the LORD your hand.

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