Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!


Children's Ministry (Birth-5th grade)

We are WILD about families and WILD about Jesus...

Because Jesus is WILD about you!

The Wild at Real Life is a Bible-based, age-appropriate, community for children from birth through 5th grade. Childhood is the most crucial time of development in a person's faith and we are committed to loving and teaching your children about God.
Whatever your child's age or personality, you can know they are being loved and taught right on their level. In today's difficult culture, we stand with you in making your family all it can be. We like to say it this way: Around here we are WILD about families and WILD about Jesus.
Thinking about visiting us for the first time?
Click the button below to pre-register your family for a quicker child check-in.


(0-12 months)

  • Safe, clean, & loving cuddler/crawler environment
  • Meeting your baby's needs so you can attend worship
  • Babies will experience God's love through caring & trained leaders

(1 & 2 year olds)

  • Welcoming & safe toddler environment
  • Introduction to basic Bible truths, music, & crafts
  • Play-based learning & worship time

(4 & 5 year olds)

  • Creative worship experience
  • Fun & age-appropriate activities
  • Interactive & foundational Bible lessons

Kindergarten & 
1st Grade

  • Kids' worship experience & spiritually engaging environment (combined with 2/3rd grade)
  • In-depth Bible lessons & games
  • Small groups to discuss & grow

2nd & 3rd Grade

  • Kids' worship experience & spiritually engaging environment (combined with K/1st grade)
  • In-depth Bible lessons & games
  • Small groups to discuss & grow

(4th & 5th Grade)

  • Worship in the adult sanctuary
  • Bible lesson & activities in separate preteen space
  • Small groups to discuss & grow

Weekly Online Content

Want your kids to grow at home? Check back here each weekend for new video bible lessons and printable coloring pages!

Pre-K Bible Lesson

September 15th-21st
Week 2
BIG IDEA: Courage comes from knowing God's words.
Let's jump into week 2 in our series called On the Right Track. We learn this week that Moses has passed away. Joshua became the Israelites new leader. Remember, he was one of the twelve spies, who believed God would lead them into the Promised Land. God was aware that Joshua's task as the new leader would not be easy. It would be up to him to lead his people into battle. God told Joshua that he was going to have to "Be strong and courageous!" Joshua was going to have to follow God's words and listen to what God told him to do. Joshua got everyone moving, and they all set out to cross the Jordan River. Joshua led the group of people closer and closer to the Promised Land. When they eventually arrived,  he reminded everyone that God was the one who brought them here. Joshua obeyed God's instructions, which is why he remained brave and strong.
Joshua 1; 24:14-25
Psalm 78:1-7

Elementary Bible Lesson

September 15th-21st
Week 2

BIG IDEA: Courage comes from knowing God's words.
Let's jump into week 2 in our series called On the Right Track. We learn this week that Moses has passed away. Joshua became the Israelites new leader. Remember, he was one of the twelve spies, who believed God would lead them into the Promised Land. God was aware that Joshua's task as the new leader would not be easy. It would be up to him to lead his people into battle. God told Joshua that he was going to have to "Be strong and courageous!" Joshua was going to have to follow God's words and listen to what God told him to do. Joshua got everyone moving, and they all set out to cross the Jordan River. Joshua led the group of people closer and closer to the Promised Land. When they eventually arrived,  he reminded everyone that God was the one who brought them here. Joshua obeyed God's instructions, which is why he remained brave and strong.
Joshua 1; 24:14-25
Psalm 78:1-7

Verse of the Month

Encourage your Pre-K and Elementary aged kids to memorize their monthly Bible Verse: Hebrews 10:23 (NIV)
They can watch the video above to learn it in sign language. 

Toddler/Preschool (1-3 year olds) will be given  the same lesson and memory verse all month long. They will learn about the lesson through age-appropriate stories and a variety of hands-on activities. For the month of September, our theme will be God took care of Noah.

Parent Resources

Month at a Glance

ON THE RIGHT TRACK: A 3-Week Series from the Old Testament on Joshua
SERIES OVERVIEW: Racers, start your engines! In a race, you might need to navigate obstacles, pit stops, and tight turns in order to stay on the right track. As you’re zooming through the track, there’s so much to think about and it can be hard to stay focused on what’s most important! In this four-week series, we’ll learn some important stories from Joshua about how obstacles are no problem for God and courage comes from knowing God’s words. No matter how long the race, God can use someone like you because with God, there is victory!

Tip of the Month

Raising kids and teenagers means they'll need your help with so many different things- like spotting the difference
between identity and gifts. Do they always know their gifts are not their identity? Probably not. So here are a few things you could do to help them along the way. Make sure they know the difference between the two. Assist your children and teenagers in realizing that although a gift can be used to benefit others through actions, our identity is what truly defines who we are.  Encourage them to be honest. Children and teenagers may experience pressure to use their gifts and to recognize who they are. They will discover that their gifts fit with who they are when they are authentic. Be sure to check out this video for further tips!

Contact Us

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and contact our Children's Director to be put on the WILD email list.