Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!


Children's Ministry (Birth-5th grade)

We are WILD about families and WILD about Jesus...

Because Jesus is WILD about you!

The Wild at Real Life is a Bible-based, age-appropriate, community for children from birth through 5th grade. Childhood is the most crucial time of development in a person's faith and we are committed to loving and teaching your children about God.
Whatever your child's age or personality, you can know they are being loved and taught right on their level. In today's difficult culture, we stand with you in making your family all it can be. We like to say it this way: Around here we are WILD about families and WILD about Jesus.
Thinking about visiting us for the first time?
Click the button below to pre-register your family for a quicker child check-in.


(0-12 months)

  • Safe, clean, & loving cuddler/crawler environment
  • Meeting your baby's needs so you can attend worship
  • Babies will experience God's love through caring & trained leaders

(1 & 2 year olds)

  • Welcoming & safe toddler environment
  • Introduction to basic Bible truths, music, & crafts
  • Play-based learning & worship time

(4 & 5 year olds)

  • Creative worship experience
  • Fun & age-appropriate activities
  • Interactive & foundational Bible lessons

Kindergarten & 
1st Grade

  • Kids' worship experience & spiritually engaging environment (combined with 2/3rd grade)
  • In-depth Bible lessons & games
  • Small groups to discuss & grow

2nd & 3rd Grade

  • Kids' worship experience & spiritually engaging environment (combined with K/1st grade)
  • In-depth Bible lessons & games
  • Small groups to discuss & grow

(4th & 5th Grade)

  • Worship in the adult sanctuary
  • Bible lesson & activities in separate preteen space
  • Small groups to discuss & grow

Weekly Online Content

Pre-K Bible Lesson

February 22nd-28th
Week 4
BIG IDEA: I believe God's words are true. 
We are headed into our last week of the Camp Believe It series, and I can't believe it!!! This week kids will learn about the time Jesus went to his hometown of Nazareth. Many people there knew about Jesus and were excited to see him. They couldn't wait to hear his teaching. He went to the synagogue which is a place of worship- kind of like a church. Jesus opened a scroll and began reading Scripture- God's words! The Scripture that Jesus read talked about how God cares about people who are hurting and sad. God
would send someone to help them and to show them God's love. Most of the people were happy to hear Jesus speak and believed his words. But there were a few people who didn't understand. They thought Jesus was just an ordinary person, just like them. How could God send him? They didn't believe his words and became angry. Jesus wanted everyone to know that God sent him to love everyone and help everyone know God. But the people who did not believe this message chased Jesus out of town. They missed out on getting to learn from God's own son, Jesus. By not listening to Jesus, they couldn't hear more of God's true words.
Luke 4:14-30
Psalm 19:7-14

Elementary Bible Lesson

February 22nd-28th
Week 4

BIG IDEA: I believe God's words are true.
We are headed into our last week of the Camp Believe It series, and I can't believe it!!! This week kids will learn about the time Jesus went to his hometown of Nazareth. Many people there knew about Jesus and were excited to see him. They couldn't wait to hear his teaching. He went to the synagogue which is a place of worship- kind of like a church. Jesus opened a scroll and began reading Scripture- God's words! The Scripture that Jesus read talked about how God cares about people who are hurting and sad. God
would send someone to help them and to show them God's love. Most of the people were happy to hear Jesus speak and believed his words. But there were a few people who didn't understand. They thought Jesus was just an ordinary person, just like them. How could God send him? They didn't believe his words and became angry. Jesus wanted everyone to know that God sent him to love everyone and help everyone know God. But the people who did not believe this message chased Jesus out of town. They missed out on getting to learn from God's own son, Jesus. By not listening to Jesus, they couldn't hear more of God's true words.
Luke 4:14-30
Psalm 19:7-14
Encourage your Pre-K and Elementary children to learn their monthly Memory Verse. 
"We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God." 
John 6:69 (NIV)

Preschool (3 year olds) Preschoolers will be be given the same lesson and memory verse all month long. They will learn about the lesson through age-appropriate stories and a variety of hands-on activities. For the month of February, our lesson is My Friend Jesus Loves God's House. Our Memory Verse: "I had to be in my Father's house."  Luke 2:49

Parent Resources

Month at a Glance

CAMP BELIEVE IT: A 4-Week Series from the Gospels on Jesus' Early Life
People love camping, and for good reason! You can take in nature, practice special skills, or just take time to relax in a new environment. And when it comes to camping, no one loved it as much as John the Baptist. In this 4-week series, kids will hear about John the Baptist's special role in preparing the way for Jesus and his ministry. John's story will help kids to say their camp motto, "I believe God gives me purpose. I believe God can speak to me. I believe God is powerful. I believe God's words are true."

Tip of the Month


When we talk about the “gifts” kids and teenagers have, and how they can use those gifts to serve others, have you ever noticed how certain kinds of gifts seem to get more attention than others? It’s easy to tell them they’re a good musician, athlete, public speaker, or even a good leader. But what about those not-so-obvious gifts? What are they,
and how can we be better at recognizing them in the kids and teenagers we are raising? Kids and teenagers need to know what you see in them so they can learn to see what God sees in them.
Be sure to watch the video to get some tips!

Contact Us

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and contact our Children's Director to be put on the WILD email list.