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Good at Exhortation

Tuesday, March 21

Good At Exhortion
By: Allison Hand

“But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called “today,” that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.” Hebrews 3:13 

“You are so good at exhorting!”
-Said no one ever

“Exhort” is certainly not a word we are familiar with in our everyday language. And it’s hard to define. Other Bible translations use the words “encourage,” “warn,” and “build-up.” But none of those really do it justice.  

What’s super interesting is that the original word, paraklesis, comes from the same root word, parakletos, used to describe the Holy Spirit in John 14:26. Translated as comforter. 

When we think about what the Holy Spirit’s role is, it helps us define our original word “exhort”. The Holy Spirit teaches us all things about God, intercedes on our behalf, comforts, helps us in weakness, guides in the right path, never condemns, moves us to follow God’s commands, and the list continues. 

The Holy Spirit has become our perfect example of what exhortation looks like. 

We are called to walk alongside other Christ-followers every single day. We’re to encourage in a way that influences others to do what’s right. To build them up and remind them who they are in God. Challenge them to follow truth. Provide comfort when they are discouraged. Inspire to continue to grow and become what God made them to be.  

Exhorting requires speaking truth and not being comfortable with sin. It requires love, not pride, and tearing down. 

All of this is a lot and we are imperfect humans, which is why exhorting is only able to happen through the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. 

Ask for His help today because exhortation looks good on you!  

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