Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

It's Not All About You

Monday, March 6

It’s Not All About You
Pastor Amie Donovan

It’s not all about you, praise the LORD!

“The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him.”
Psalms 24:1

Webster defines a steward as followed: “A person who manages another’s property or financial affairs.” King David confirms we are stewards when he pens Psalms 24v1. This means our house belongs to God. Our cars belong to God. Our friendships, family, and ministries all belong to God. David wrote, “Everything belongs to Him.” 

This rubs against culture, doesn’t it? Our culture is one where it’s our paycheck, our children, our time to give as we see fit and can reason. 

We give out of our own resources. We give of our own time. We call the shots because we are the boss of ME. When this is how we think, we are not the stewards but the owners. We are not the ones assigned, but the ones calling the shots. I’d argue when we think this way, we are claiming the role that belongs (according to King David) to God. 

Everything belongs to Him.

For those who believe in God, we need a radical change of heart. We need God to transform the way we think about our lives! 

To believe everything is ours, means we carry the responsibility of knowing what to do with it all! This is a burden we were not meant to carry. Society would agree with this statement given the average credit card debt we find ourselves in, the amount of marriages that fold because of money, and the impact our endless pursuit of getting ahead has on our children.

Church, let’s ask God to give us His eyes to see our lives! Together let’s stop and ask God….

How can I glorify you, in and through all that is yours?

This moves us from I give to God gave.

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