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Do Good for the Right Reasons

Tuesday, February 7

Do Good For The Right Reasons
By: Allison Hand

In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 5:13-16

Do you remember hearing the Gospel message that led you to salvation with Christ? I do! I was in high school in the 11th grade. One of the Scriptures I remember being taught in the salvation message was from Isaiah. It says that all of our good deeds are like unclean, filthy rags. It's meant to mean that God is disgusted with all our efforts to get Him to save us.

I understood no self-goodness caused God to save me from my sins and give me new life. But what I continued to think was that none of my good deeds would ever please God. I so got it wrong, and it kept me from living out my faith in the way God wanted me to.
Thankfully God is too good to have left me there.
In the book of Matthew, we read about how Jesus stood on a mountainside and preached an entire message about doing good things. Jesus was saying things were to be in His Kingdom and there is a certain way the citizens of this Kingdom should live and act. 

At one point, Jesus even implored followers, “Be holy like my Father in heaven is holy.” And it became clear that God not only is pleased when we try to live righteously and do good deeds, but with the glory they also bring him. 
The scripture above points us to how to do good things the right way for the right reasons. 

Do good for God.  I may have simplified that message a little too much but I am a simple person.  When the heart of our good deeds is solely to bring glory to our Father in heaven, we will always be on the right track.

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