Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

Love the Light

Tuesday, January 24

Love the Light
By: Allsion Hand

“This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates light and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed.” John 3:19

Ouch! That was my response when I recently read this Scripture. 

Jesus spoke these words to a man named Nicodemus. He was explaining to him the difference between a saved person who has put their faith and trust in Jesus to someone who hasn’t. But I couldn’t help but feel the conviction from these words in my own life. 

When I thought about these verses, the lights in my house came to mind. I love turning on every light in the house. The living room, kitchen, bedrooms, bathroom, and even the closets. There is just something about having every light on in the house. 

When my husband comes home from work he goes around turning off all the unessential lights–all the spaces we aren’t currently using.

(Note: this has nothing to do with insanely high electric bills and I definitely don’t think my husband is evil! )

But this is how I see Jesus. Shining His light into our lives. It’s just sometimes we don’t let it shine in certain areas that we want to keep hidden and in the dark. Things we love more than we love the Light of Jesus.

Today ask God to help you love the light more than that thing you keep hidden in the dark. And ask Him to help you find ways to keep His Light shining. Whether it's through fellowship with other Christ followers (Sign up for a Life Group! They are awesome!), signing up for a bible study, listening to only Christian music throughout your day, posting Bible verses around your house,  or seeing a Christian counselor to help you back on track, find ways to keep within Him.

And if this isn’t your struggle today, would you be the one to live out James 5:19-20 to ask God to help you find that person wandering away and bring them into the loving arms of the true Light?

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