Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

40 DAYS - DAY 10 - 3.2.21

Love Goes the Distance - Day 10 – Tuesday, March 2nd – Pastor Amie
Scripture Reading - Mark 6:1-13 and focus on 6:7-13 below
Remember to Pause | Read | Reflect | Listen |Pray | Journal |Practice | Encourage/Share |Fast

"And he called his twelve disciples together and began sending them out two by two, giving them authority to cast out evil spirits. He told them to take nothing for their journey except a walking stick—no food, no traveler’s bag, no money. He allowed them to wear sandals but not to take a change of clothes.

“Wherever you go,” he said, “stay in the same house until you leave town. But if any place refuses to welcome you or listen to you, shake its dust from your feet as you leave to show that you have abandoned those people to their fate.”

So the disciples went out, telling everyone they met to repent of their sins and turn to God. And they cast out many demons and healed many sick people, anointing them with olive oil."

If anyone knew loneliness, it was Jesus. Mark recalls Nazareth’s reaction as he taught in their synagogue. They asked questions like, “Where did he learn such wisdom? He’s just a carpenter?” Or my favorite “Isn’t he Mary’s boy?” They knew Jesus as the young Jewish kid down the street, not the Messiah who came to save the world. His earthly identity was wrapped in the fact that he wasn’t trained under religious leaders. They even slammed Mary by identifying Jesus as her son over Joseph's, a direct hit at his “Divine” birth. Jesus knew the message he had would be both accepted by some and rejected by others.

His apostles would need to learn the same truth and how to overcome opposition. Actual reliance on God is the key. He commanded them not to take anything with them. In short, they needed to learn complete trust in God's provision for their day. In terms of opposition, Jesus told them to “dust off their feet” as they leave the town of the hard-heartened and remain missional/focused. This lesson is one we all need to remember. Following Jesus can mean rejection. It will require a deep reliance on God to meet and supply our every need. So dust off your feet, and get to work. God's got your back.  

Prayer Focus – Pray for someone who is caught in addiction in your Oikos or at Real Life.

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