Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

Let Down Your Net

Wednesday, February 8

Let Down Your Net
By: Pastor Shane Beauvais

In Luke 5:1-11, Peter and his crew of fishermen had worked all night, but to no avail. (If you are not familiar with this story, take a moment and read it now.)
When Jesus instructed Peter to try again, he did, and there was a miracle! 
The miracle did not stop there! There was so much more! More fish than their nets or boats could carry!

When reading the story of the miraculous catch, I have found my focus to be on the miracle or the implications of the miracle–what leads to Jesus’s call to follow Him.  

I have never really considered what Peter must have felt initially. I believe Peter could trust the Rabbi’s instruction on religious matters, but when it came to his profession, fishing, it was clear that he had some hesitation.

Isn’t this how we operate often?
Sure, we trust God’s instruction, but is it always our initial posture? 

Warning! Transparency ahead!

Like Peter, there have been moments when I was confident in my expertise. I had everything figured out. Times when I fully believed that I knew more about my call and direction in life than Jesus. So confident that when Jesus called my heart to obedience, my response was, “Are you sure?” What can the Rabbi possibly know about my area of expertise?  

Like Peter, somewhere along the way, I put Jesus in the box labeled “church” as if He was only a helpful tool when that specific task came along. I only allowed Him to guide me in all the other areas of my life when I had no other choice.

If this resonates with you today, I promise you that there are and will continue to be times in your life of helplessness, things you cannot do for yourself. No matter how good you are, there will be moments when, like Peter, your labor will turn up “empty nets” over and over. Maybe you are here right now?

The truth is that we will never be good enough to refuse how the work of Christ impacts our lives. 
We can try. 
However, like the fisherman, we will grow weary of casting our nets with no avail.

Are you willing to trust Jesus today, believing He knows more about your direction than you do? If so, hear the words of Jesus, “Put out into the deep water and let down your net for a catch” (Luke 5:4). Perhaps a miraculous catch will lead you to the call of a lifetime.

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